About Colorado BBQ

What is Colorado BBQ?

You’ve heard of Kansas-City style, Texas-style, and Mem­phis-style BBQ, but by now you might be ask­ing your­self, “what’s Col­orado-style BBQ?”

A photo of 11 racks of Colorado BBQ ribs sitting in CO BBQ's smoker outside their restaurant. The bbq ribs are light red in color and flecked with oranges and browns from spices used in the dry rubs used on the meat. Blackened char patterns ripple across the top and bottom of the pork ribs from laying on the surface of the smoker for nearly 24 hours.

Col­orado BBQ is about tak­ing the best that the bar­be­cue world has to offer and cre­at­ing some­thing new. Just as the Col­orado restau­rant scene has become a melt­ing pot for many cuisines, Col­orado BBQ is doing the same with their smoked meat and sauces.

Bar­be­cue is a com­mu­ni­ty and it’s not just lim­it­ed to the Unit­ed States. You’ll find vari­a­tions of slow-smoked meats in a vari­ety of cul­tures around the world, from Char Siu in Chi­na to Carne Asa­da in Mexico.

At Col­orado BBQ, you’re going to rec­og­nize some of the bar­be­cue fla­vors from tra­di­tion­al Texas-style or North Car­oli­na-style BBQ, but our menu draws inspi­ra­tion from a more glob­al selec­tion of herbs and spices to enhance the fla­vors of each type of meat.

Sustainability and Colorado BBQ

When we start­ed Col­orado BBQ, we made sus­tain­abil­i­ty one of our core val­ues and hit the books to see how we can reduce our envi­ron­men­tal foot­print as a busi­ness. Here’s how we’re doing that:

Recy­cling: We do our best to ensure that dis­pos­able items we use can be recy­cled and we offer recy­cling con­tain­ers at both of our loca­tions. Since there’s no recy­cling pick up at either of our loca­tions, we trans­port the recy­cling our­selves to the drop-off centers. 
Com­post­ing: Both the front and the back of the house par­tic­i­pate heav­i­ly in com­post­ing with any biodegrad­able food products. 
Sus­tain­ably raised meat: We work with ven­dors that raise their cat­tle and pigs as eth­i­cal­ly and sus­tain­ably as they can. Our main sup­pli­ers are Har­ris Ranch Beef and Old MacDonald’s Farm Pork.

Community and Colorado BBQ

Anoth­er impor­tant core val­ue is that we pitch in to sup­port the com­mu­ni­ty that’s sup­port­ing us. We do this by pro­vid­ing the orga­ni­za­tions we sup­port with food or space to meet and some­times hold­ing the occa­sion­al fundrais­er to ben­e­fit them. Below are some of the incred­i­ble orga­ni­za­tions we work with and links to their dona­tion pages if you’d like to show them some love.